Heart vs Mind

When a heart is happy, any future is accepted 

Nobody is perfect and no imperfections can define us either. We all though have the same delemma. Should I live upon my logic or upon my heart’s decisions? Should I listen to others or should I trust my instincts? 

The truth is there is no way, no matter what we do to please everyone. Simply because we are all different and unique. That is why if the goal is to please others then the destination will be to hurt everyone including ourselves. However even if we choose one only person to love and please still we will hurt ourselves. That’s because we judge the other with our own point of view. 

Here comes the heart. That little place with so much power. Once we make our heart happy then everything becomes easy. Those who love us will be happy also and follow us. To make our heart happy we need to learn patience and forgiveness. 

We all make mistakes but who wouldn’t love to be forgiven when apologizing? However as much as we desire forgiveness we are unable to forgive others. Here comes the Ego. Ego is a worthless yet powerful characteristic that if it develops inside us then we need a ” war ” to get rid of it. Sometimes we develop this characteristic with our decisions and thoughts and sometimes our own friends and surroundings develop our ego to the highest level. Then it is even harder to fight against it as we become blind and we act upon the logic. 

A heart can never be wrong, but logic can be. Love can not change, but decision making and points of view can change quite often. For this our friends are a crucial matter. Good friends stay neutral and do not recommend drastic solutions once a life crisis happen. Bad friends are full of ideas. 

That is why the most significant people in our life are the people who love us and respect us. If one respect us then he respects our environment too and our feelings. Environment can be our spouse, kids, parents and siblings. A friend is in a second or third level. 

If one puts his spouse after his friends then the question is why didn’t he marry his friends. If one puts his kids after his work, then why he bothered himself to make kids. He should have just upgrade his career. 

Everything has a limit and a measurement. We need to set our priorities long before we approach other people’s lives. We need to know our goals and how to achieve them. We need to listen and understand our heart 

A beneficial story

A young woman was visiting with her grandmother one day and telling her how difficult her life was. She had discovered that her husband had cheated on her.”Gran, I give up. I’m just not strong enough to fight anymore. Everything seems to be going wrong and when one problem is resolved, another one ten times worse happens. I swear I’m done.”Her grandmother looked at her, dried her tears, and brought her into the kitchen. There, the grandmother filled three pots with water and put them on the stove. When the pots started to boil, she placed carrots in the first pot, eggs in the second and ground coffee beans in the third.The young woman and her grandmother didn’t say anything and just watched them boil. After about twenty minutes, the grandmother turned off the heat from under all the pots, and brought the contents of each out and put them in bowls.

“Tell me what you see,” the grandmother asked.”Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” the granddaughter replied thinking her grandmother’s mind wasn’t as sharp as it used to be.”Feel the carrots,” the grandmother told her granddaughter. “Then take an egg and break it. Lastly, take a sip of the coffee.”The granddaughter did as she was told and then asked, “What are you trying to tell me?”
“You see, honey, each of these objects faced the same adversity and each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the scalding water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile with only a thin shell protecting its liquid interior, but after sitting in boiling water, its inside had become hardened. The ground coffee beans were different than the other two — instead of being changed by the water, they had changed it.”The granddaughter nodded her head in agreement and wishing the science experiments in seventh grade had been as instructional.
“Which one are you?” The grandmother asked her granddaughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you react? Are you a carrot which seems strong but with pain and adversity; do you become soft and lose your strength; or are you the egg that starts out with an adaptable heart but changes with the heat?Do you have a fluid spirit usually, unless something bad happens like a death, a breakup or job loss, and then you become hardened and inflexible? Do you look the same on the outside, but inside do you become bitter and tough?”The granddaughter was listening and trying to make sense of every word her grandmother said.

“Are you like the ground coffee beans that actually changed the hot water, the very circumstance that brought the pain? When the water gets hot it releases the wonderful coffee smell and takes on the flavor of the coffee. If you’re like the bean, when things are at their worst, instead of giving up, you get better and stronger and change the situation around you,” the grandmother explained.The young woman hugged her grandmother and with clarity went to go talk to her husband. As she was almost outside the door, her grandmother said, “Be the coffee, honey. Always try to be the coffee.”In the end, the happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best everything, and every day isn’t find with lollipops and unicorns — it’s just that happy people make the best of whatever comes their way. 


Solve all your problems using Ayat E Kareema ( Reciting Tasbi E Yunus 125000 times)

Simple Guide on Islamic Exorcism

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, The most Merciful ! The famous dua which is known as Tasbi E Yunus – La ilaha illa anta, Subhanaka, Inni kuntu minaz-zalimin (There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I’ am from among the wrongdoers) that was recited by Hazrat Yunus AS inside the belly of the fish/whale is described in Surah Al-Anbiya (21) verses 87 and 88 as follows: “And remember Zun-nun, when he departed in wrath: He imagined that We had no power over him! But he cried through the depths of darkness, There is no god but thou: glory to thee: I was indeed wrong! So We listened to him: and delivered him from distress: and thus do We deliver those who have faith.”[21: 87-88]

Word of Caution: Many people recite Tasbi Yunus incorrectly as “Inni kuntum

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Common cold tip

Home Remedies for Cough and ColdCold is a very common disease and an allergy. Every second person is effected with this disease. Sometimes, it is also known as common cold. A cold must not be treated lightly. As, it can lead the patient to other grievous diseases. 

BigRemedies #1

Honey or Shahed

Black seed oil or Kalonji ka tel

How to use the application?
Mix one table spoon of honey in half spoon of black seed oil and drink this twice every day.